Vanguard Equity Income
Standardized Performance
as of 05/16/2024
Objective And Strategy
ObjectiveAn above-average level of current income and reasonable long-term capital appreciation.
StrategyThe Portfolio invests mainly in common stocks of medium-size and large companies whose stocks pay above-average levels of dividend income and are considered to have the potential for capital appreciation. In addition, the advisors generally look for companies that they believe are committed to paying dividends consistently.
Low Cost Fund
Principal Risks
* This portfolio invests (or may invest) in securities of companies with micro-, small-, or mid-capitalization. Any investment in micro-, small-, or mid-capitalization companies involves greater risk than that customarily associated with investments in larger, more established companies because of the greater business risks of smaller size, limited markets and financial resources, narrower product lines, and frequent lack of management depth. As such, micro- or small-cap companies may be more subject to erratic and abrupt market movements than securities of larger, more established companies.
* Value stocks may perform differently from the market as a whole and following a value-oriented investment strategy may cause the Portfolio to at times underperform equity funds that use other investment strategies.
* The investment adviser to the fund actively managed the fund's investments. Consequently, the fund is subject to the risk that the methods and analyses employed by the investment adviser in this process may not produce the desired results. This could cause the fund to lose value or its investment results to lag relevant benchmarks or other funds with similar objectives.
Large Cap Value12/30/20130.290.29--